Warning |
Agile Tools & Filters requires Jira Software (Boards & Backlogs).It can't be enabled under Jira Core or Jira Service desk. |
If you're facing any issues related to the installation please try the following:
If you've installed the plugin manually make sure you're using the correct
JARapp version -
there are separate Jira 6 and Jira 7 specific jars.DC or Server
https://marketplace.atlassian.com/manage/plugins/io.extensi.jira.plugin.agileboardfilter/versionsFor Jira 6 make sure you are using the Jira Agile plugin version 6.7.16+.
Warning We don't support previous Jira Agile versions and its not possible to detect the version during installation process Uninstall the plugin and reinstall it
Contact us at support@extensi.atlassian.net
The following message indicate that Jira Software Application and Jira Agile Plugin are disabled
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